
Black Kow Organic Cow Manure 1 ft³

Regular price $7.59

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The all-natural organic way to improve native soils is by using Black Kow composted cow manure. By mixing Black Kow cow manure with your native soil before planting, you do 3 important things provide moisture holding capacity to sandy soils. Black Kow manure holds water and nutrients in the soil around the roots. The roots can use the water and nutrients when needed instead of letting the nutrients leach through the soil. Provide aeration and moisture holding capacity to hard, clay type soils. Black Kow cow manure helps break up those soils so that water and nutrients are available to the plant when needed. Give your plant's roots the optimum environment in which to get started. Black Kow cow manure contains millions of beneficial microbes. These microbes convert nitrogen and other nutrients into an easily available form for the plant. It is organic and contains nutrients that are released slowly without burning tender roots. These nutrients and moisture are held in the soil around the roots until the plant needs them.
  • Retains moisture and nutrients in sandy soils
  • Use to enhance the growth of trees, shrubs and lawns
  • Contains organic material to feed plants naturally
  • Helps promote proper drainage in clay soils

Proposition 65 Warning
Search Field Black Kow Organic Cow Manure 1 ft³ Gardening Manur
Feature 10 Text
Feature 1 Text Retains moisture and nutrients in sandy soils
Feature 2 Text Use to enhance the growth of trees, shrubs and law
Feature 3 Text Contains organic material to feed plants naturally
Feature 4 Text Helps promote proper drainage in clay soils
Feature 5 Text
Feature 6 Text
Feature 7 Text
Feature 8 Text
Feature 9 Text
ISPU Only Item Flag N
Item Restriction Flag N
Category Gardening
Merchandise Class Description BAG PRODUCTS
Product Group Description MANURE
Product Source Code A
Product Type Manure
Product Type Code 009010401004
Sub-category Manure
Product Type Noun Manure
Proposition 65 Flag N
Retail Velocity Code C
Sales Rank 002
Shipping Code Y
Store Availability Rank 07
Unit Velocity Code B
Vendor Number 54194
Web Order Multiple 1
Assembly Code N
Country Of Origin US
Delivery Offered N
Department Number 7
Display Only Item N
Dollar Velocity Code B
What's Included
DIFM Service Code N
Warranty Code N
Old Default Base SKU
Paint Code N
Default Base SKU
Accessory SKUs
Replacement Part SKUs
CPO Restriction (AL01;AR01;GA01;IL01;OH02;TX03;WI01;)
Weighted Rating 5.2
Reviews 29
Customer Rating 5
Brand Name Black Kow
Allocation 260
Local SKU Available Stores ALL
Local SKU Store SKUs 7002882
PSS Restriction (AR01;GA01;IL01;NY01;OH02;TX03;WI01;)
Dry Volume 1-cubic-feet
Fertilizer Enriched yes
Organic yes
Packaging Type bagged
Soil Amendment Type cow
Where to Apply lawns,-trees,-shrubs,-flower-beds,-roses-and-veget
Ferilizer Analysis (N-P-K) 0.5-0.5-0.5

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